HomeGeneral NewsRobbers shoot passengers … steal cash, phones

Robbers shoot passengers … steal cash, phones

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One passenger was hit by a bullet after about four highway robbers, reportedly shot into an oncoming vehicle on the Kumasi-Techiman highway Friday evening.

The runaway hoodlums, who wore masks to hide their identities, had laid ambush at the Abofour Forest and Nkwakwa section of the road around 11:30pm.

Munkaila Mohammed, driver of Hyundai Conti bus with registration number AW 3114-21, with 24 passengers, spotted the robbers in time.

In an attempt to prevent a looming robbery expedition, Mohammed suddenly reversed his vehicle but it crashed into another car behind, thereby preventing it from escaping from the robbery scene.

The trigger-happy robbers then fired several shots into the Hyundai Conti bus, which had then stopped, and in the process, one passenger was said to have been hit by a fired bullet.


A police report, sighted by the DAILY GUIDE, said Mohammed personally reported the highway robbery incident to the Offinso District Police on Friday around 1am.

According to him, they were travelling from Kumasi to Tamale when the robbers attacked.

“That on reaching a section of the road between Abofour Forest and Nkwakwa on the Kumasi-Techiman Highway about 23:30 hours of 8/4/22, he met about four men wearing nose masks armed with guns and had blocked the road.

“That in his attempt to reverse with his vehicle, he crashed another Hyundai bus with registration number GT 5688-17, driven by Ernest Kwame Danso, from his rear.

“In the process, the armed men fired at his side of his vehicle resulting in injury to one Hadi Mohammed, a passenger on board,” part of the report also indicated.

It said the armed men robbed them and other commuters of their money and mobile phones, adding that policemen proceeded to the scene but the robbers had then fled into the bush.

“Police Medical Report Form was issued to victim Hadi Mohammed to attend hospital for treatment, whilst efforts are being made to arrest the perpetrators of the offence,” the report said.

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