HomeGeneral NewsEnchi College of Education authorities bemoan infrastructural deficit

Enchi College of Education authorities bemoan infrastructural deficit

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Science and technology are major factors in problem-solving in society. The acquisition of its basic knowledge makes it proficient in shaping the future of the environment for good.

However, some institutions and colleges lack the basic science apparatus to train students with the needed skills and Enchi College of Education is not exempted.

Due to its constraints, the College has converted one of its classrooms into a science laboratory which is not also in a better efficacy for teaching and learning.

The College administrators have appealed to government and individuals’ support for a modern science laboratory and other infrastructural projects.

Enchi College of Education authorities bemoans infrastructural deficit

The Enchi College of Education is one of the most prominent colleges in the Western North Region, but it is in full infrastructural wounds.

The College’s Principal, Phillip Ntaah, speaking to the press, disclosed that many challenges are confronting the college’s success.

Mentioning a few, he indicated that the administration block of the school has passed its usefulness.

According to him, the administration of the college is in a state of calamity and congestion.

He revealed that the government made plans to construct a new administration block for them but has been abandoned since 2016.

Enchi College of Education authorities bemoans infrastructural deficit

Mr Ntaah indicated that the deplorable campus road and pavements are always a headache during the rainy season since they become impassable, making life on campus uncomfortable.

The college has a serious accommodation deficit for staff as three or four share the same apartment, which has subsequently created mammoth congestion in the bungalows.

Moreover, due to the lack of a science laboratory in the College, the administrators have been forced to use one of its classrooms as a space for science practicals. They don’t also have the necessary equipment to facilitate the teaching and learning of science.

He, therefore, appealed to government and other agencies to come to their aid. The Principal made this comment during the college’s 11th Graduation Ceremony.

Meanwhile, the President of the National House of Chiefs and Paramount Chief of Sehwi Anhwiaso Traditional Area, Ogyeahoho Yaw Gyebi II, speaking as a guest speaker of the ceremony, stated that the need for a modern science laboratory and the poor road network on the college’s campus among many others need immediate attention.

Enchi College of Education authorities bemoans infrastructural deficit

He promised to do whatever within his capacity as the President of the National House of Chiefs to get their campus roads and pavements constructed and a modern science laboratory for the college.

Not that withstanding, Ogyeahoho advised the graduates that the focus of tertiary education and training is not only for the acquisition of knowledge.

“It is the development of analytical thinking and problem-solving skills that will allow them to deal with the problems they may encounter shortly,” he said.

He also advocated that the graduates must remember that they have been trained as a privileged elite with the taxpayers’ hard-earned money, which imposes an obligation on them to strive and contribute back to the progress of society.

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