HomeGeneral NewsAkufo-Addo to engage National House of Chiefs on PFJ phase II

Akufo-Addo to engage National House of Chiefs on PFJ phase II

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President Nana Akufo-Addo will engage the National House of Chiefs on Saturday over Planting for Food and Jobs (PFJ) phase II.

The move is to seek the support of traditional leaders to widen the scope of the programme following its launch on August 28, 2023.

A statement signed by the Information Ministry explained that, the engagement forms part of efforts to make large tracts of land available for farming.

“The President expects that the support of the chiefs will further enhance efforts to make the program successful. With about 80% of Ghana’s land being customary ownership by chiefs and families, it is acknowledged that chiefs have the power to allocate, lease, or sell land for various purposes,” the statement said.

The government through PFJ Phase II, seeks to build on the successes of the initial programme.

It is a five-year master plan for the transformation of agriculture in Ghana with a focus on modernisation through the development of a selected commodity value chain and active private sector participation.

Speaking at the launch, Akufo-Addo said the programme seeks to improve service delivery to maximise impact, and substitutes direct input subsidy with smart agricultural financial support in the form of comprehensive input credit, with provision for in-kind payment.


Read the full statement below:

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