HomeGeneral NewsACP Agordzo wanted the independence of the Police Service – Lawyer

ACP Agordzo wanted the independence of the Police Service – Lawyer

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A lawyer and journalist, Sampson Lardi Ayenini, on Wednesday told the High Court that Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Dr Benjamin Kwasi Agordzo, who is on trial for treason, desired an independent Ghana Police Service.

The top police officer is on trial with others for allegedly attempting to destabilize the government.

Mr Ayenini stated that in 2016, ACP Agordzo informed him of his intention to seek a constitutional interpretation of the National Security Council (NSC).

To Agordzor, the recruiting, training, and equipping of NSC personnel, among other things, should be clearly specified since he considered their duty unconstitutional, and they should be made to perform their traditional functions.

Mr. Anyenini, one of ACP Agordzo’s witnesses during his evidence-in-chief, stated that they met at a workshop following the infamous Ayawaso West Wuogon elections violence, where he (ACP Agordzo) spoke about the need to break the cycle of political vigilantism, which he (Anyenini) used part of to host his Newsfile programme on Joy Fm.

The lawyer said he supported the motion though it could not be brought before the Supreme Court for interpretation.

Cross-examining Mr Ayenini, Mr Victor Kwadjoga Adawudu, the defence council asked, “In fact, this intention to invoke the Supreme Court’s interpretation jurisdiction was communicated to you after the infamous Ayawaso Wuogon Election violence?”

“That is correct, but at the CODEO workshop, I mentioned in my witness statement that I was impressed by his presentation, just as other participants were, so I personally asked him to share it with me to help in my moderation of the subject matter discussion,” answered Mr. Ayenini.

Mr Adawudu then inquired, “This intention shared with you was A10’s (ACP Agordzo’s) wish to see an effective independent police service.”

“Yes, my lords, as stated in my witness statement,” Mr. Anyenini replied.

“Is it your case that A10 is someone who speaks his mind in the course of his duty?” Adawudu inquired, to which Ayenini replied “Yes, my lords…as stated in my witness statement.”

“Mr Samson Lardy Ayenini, do you know of any criminal activity he was involved in in your encounter with A10 from 2016 until the time he was arrested in 2019,” Mr Adawudu asked, and the witness said, “In my practice, I know him as many of my colleagues do.”

Mrs. Yvonne Atakorah Obuobisa, Director of Public Prosecutions, inquired whether Mr. Anyenini was a member of Take Action Ghana (TAG), to which he replied that he was not.

“This would mean you were not on any of its social media platforms,” she said, to which Mr Anyenini stated that he was learning about TAG for the first time.

When asked if he knew the late Dr Frederick Mac-Palm, he denied knowing him and stated that he only learned of his arrest from the press and was not privy to the conversations between ACP Agordzo and Dr Mac Palm.

“You had no knowledge of ACP’s dealings with TAG?” she inquired. “Not at all, all I know I have said in my witness statement,” Mr. Ayenini responded.

Donya Kafui, Bright Alan Debrah, Johannes Zikpi, Colonel Samuel Kojo Gameli, WOII Esther Saan Dekiwine, Corporal Sylvester Akankpewu, Lance Airforce Corporal Ali Solomon, Corporal Seidu Abubakar, and ACP Benjamin Kwasi Agordzo are all facing charges for their roles in an alleged treason.

To allow for the legal vacation, the trial has been postponed until October 16, 2023.

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